New Debt-Relief Plan

The plan is simple, they just relocate you to Cuba with a new identity. Since it was seen on MSNBC, it must be legit, but then again most of the auto industry CEOs have beenĀ seenĀ on MSNBC, hmmmm.

From: “Master Debt”
Date: February 20, 2029 12:10:32 AM PST
Subject: 2009 MasterDebt Relief Solution: As seen on MSNBC

MasterDebt Platinum Plus Debt-Relief Plan:

Getting Americans Debt Free!

Start Now:
http://[Link Removed]

– Reduce all major credit card bills
– Reduce all medical bills
– No credit checks
– No hassle
– Free quote with no obligation

Start Now:
http://[Link Removed]

You and your debt are unique. Our service treats you that way. We design your debt-relief program and your savings plan to meet your goals and financial situation. You can reduce your debt effectively and quickly with our proven debt-consolidation alternative, often becoming debt free within 3 years or less. Thousands of people have eliminated their debts with our service. Our certified staff members are available anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with answers to all of your debt questions. Take 30 seconds to fill out this form and be on your way to live a debt free life.

Start Now:

http://[Link Removed]
