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Somehow I believe that your money will be “Gone with the Wind” if you reply to this email.

Col. Clarke Gable
27th Infantry Brigade
United States Army Fallujah, Iraq.
Email: col.clarkegable@[Removed].com

Dear Honourable,

My name is Col. Clarke Gable of the 27th Infantry Brigade United States Army Fallujah Iraq. I’m contacting you on behalf of my team here in Iraq peacekeeping service; we needed your assistance to move an allocation {Funds} into your custody for safekeeping pending our final dismissal here any time this year…

However, I wish to remind you that I’m a soldier and I have no time to come over the internet for a child play, so please if you are not able to handle this transaction with utmost confidentiality please Do Not Reply.

If somehow you are interested in this proposal, kindly leave a message with your most confidential telephone numbers and I will get back to you with details.

Yours Respectfully,
Col. Clarke Gable

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