Wow, they are waiting to hear from me?
That last paragraph is great also. It is a technique used to make the message look legit to spam filters.
From:p2yRe_197D8eXKx@[Domain Removed]
Subject: Give me a ring
Date: March 4, 2009 11:23:26 AM PST
May l have a few mlnutes of your tlme please. We are looklng for lndlvlduals who wlsh to stay home and return some telephone calls for the company to people waltlng to hear from you. lts slmple and starlghtforward. All l ask ls you call the 24hr lnfo llne for the detalls. Thanks
The turkey for the tuba player operates a small fruit stand with the slow plaintiff. When a bowling ball ceases to exist, a snooty asteroid beams with joy. Any chess board can derive perverse satisfaction from a secretly federal submarine, but it takes a real formless void to find lice on an almost frozen power drill. Indeed, an elusive wedding dress plans an escape from a line dancer the diskette. Furthermore, a righteous sheriff rejoices, and the mean-spirited fraction barely recognizes a grand piano.